Getting the most out of your trade in: 6 great tips

Anyone looking to upgrade to a “new” vehicle might consider selling privately, but selling to a dealer has many benefits as well. That is why it is extremely important to know the tips on getting the most out of your trade-in.

  1. Keep Your Car Clean (But not too clean)

A clean car is a happy car, at least that’s what they say, but something they never said is that a  clean and empty car is particularly happy. When bringing your car into the dealer to negotiate a sale of your used vehicle, it is never a bad idea to take it for a good wash and detail, and vacuuming is not a bad idea either. However do not remove all your possessions from the vehicle as this gives the impression that you’re desperate to get it sold, if you still have some personal items in the vehicle it gives the impression that you’re prepared to continue on your day and keep your vehicle if negotiations do not go towards your favour, this will put more pressure on the salesperson and not on you.

  1. Invest in Protective Accessories

Protective accessories such as floor mats and seat covers are easy investments to give the impression that you take care of your vehicles, dealers like to see this. Floor mats have the benefit from keeping dirt and moisture out of your carpet making it easier to clean. Seat covers provide protection from dirt and stains, making the car more pleasant overall. When a dealer sees these accessories they know they do not need to spend much time cleaning the car.

  1. Bring Detailed Service Reports and a Safety Inspection List.

It is advised everywhere to only consider buying vehicles with detailed service reports and receipts, as well as a safety inspection from a trusted and reliable mechanic as this takes the guesswork away from the dealer about the history of the vehicle and its current state. If you’re more of a D-I-Y person and do your own work on your vehicle, simply keeping a binder full of receipts of parts and written logs with detailed descriptions on the service that you perform works as well. It is also useful to document every oil-change and the mileage on your car at the time of the change. When a dealer buys a vehicle they have to bare the costs of getting a safety inspection as well as any repairs necessary, showing the vehicle has been properly maintained takes away the guesswork as well as a powerful negotiation tactic from the dealer.

  1. Bring Drivable Tires

Brand new tires are not necessary, but it is always a good idea to bring tires that are at least drivable to the dealer. A dealer will be quick to notice bald tires as that will be a cost they have to bare by themselves, when bringing a vehicle with drivable tires it provides another tactic in your favour as there is no need for them to spend more money fixing your vehicle after the deal is made.

  1. Keep Negotiations Separate

Any person experienced in negotiations and bargaining will know that bundling deals will change prices in your favor, dealers will often try to get you to trade your vehicle the same day, even if this is your intention there is no need to disclose this to the dealer right away; simply say something similar to “I’m looking to sell my car to help me buy a new one in the future”. By keeping negotiations separate this will give you more time to negotiate one thing at a time, otherwise, a dealer might try to make you take a lesser deal where your focus should be getting the best price possible.

To summarize, keeping your car clean and maintained, as well as understanding basic negotiation tactics keeps negotiations in your favour. We hope these tips help you, come by and visit us at Select iCar!

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Apr 2nd, 2019